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WriteSHIELD� crystal-CLEAR Premium Screen Protector Kits

Most PDA users have only experienced screen protectors sold in local stores which can be difficult to install, always seem to have bubbles and wear out within 30 days. Unfortunately, without a screen protector, the only way to remove scratches on your device�s screen is to fully replace the touchscreen for a minimum for $100. Replacement digitizers for Tablet PC�s begin at $900.

Our WriteSHIELD� Premium Screen Protectors  are the exceptional alternative to all these problems. Our state-of-the-art shields have been used and evaluated worldwide by notable Pocket PC Web sites. Our Crystal Clear, or C2, model allows the truest colors to come through, does not alter your screen display, does not reduce the brightness of your screen and has a glossy finish. Each WriteSHIELD� typically lasts at least six months. Depending on the environment they are used in, their average life span is closer to one year.     

Apple iPhone 16GB WriteSHIELD® crystal-CLEAR DELUXE 2-Pak Kit Image. Click here for more details.Apple iPhone 16GB WriteSHIELD® crystal-CLEAR DELUXE 2-Pak Kit
Apple iPhone 16GB WriteSHIELD® crystal-CLEAR 2-Pak Kit Image. Click here for more details.Apple iPhone 16GB WriteSHIELD® crystal-CLEAR 2-Pak Kit
Apple iPhone 16GB WriteSHIELD® crystal-CLEAR 1-Pak Mini-Kit
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WriteSHIELD™  AG Screen Protector Image. Click here for more information.
WriteSHIELD™ C2 Screen Protector Image. Click here for more information.
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