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PocketPCThoughts.com - iPAQ Battery Upgrade
"If you've been doing this "Pocket PC thing" for a couple of years now like me, you'll probably have a 1st generation iPAQ. And if you recharged it a lot, you're probably noticing that you're just not getting the battery life you used to - or perhaps your iPAQ won't hold a charge at all? I had an iPAQ that would only work when plugged in to AC power - it held zero charge. So what do you do? Contact the Pocket PC Techs of course!" More... |
PocketNow.com - PocketPCTechs.com Replacement Grips
"Since the release of the iPaq 22xx series, there have been complaints about the OEM side covers. Even I had to exchange my iPaq 2215 because the rubber on the grips was beginning to fall apart. hp, thankfully, has decided to provide replacement covers at no charge, but who knows how long that option will be available. I, for one, don't want to be left with a shoddy-looking PDA.
Enter Pocket PC Techs, a leader in Pocket PC repairs, upgrades, and accessories. At the beginning of March, after much planning and discussion with the iPaq 22xx community, they unleashed their replacement side covers to the world. But how do they stand up to a hands-on test, with constant day-to-day use? Are these worth spending $39.99 on, when you could possibly receive free replacements from HP? Read on for the full review." More... |
PC-Counsler.com - PocketPCTechs.com Replacement Grips
"The Anodized Aluminum Grips from PocketPCTech are very well made and in my opinion is a solution that will last for ever in your h2215. I got a second pare of rubber grips from HP and they were falling already from my h2215, this second pare was free because the unit was under warranty but my question is how long HP will send me free grips?" More... |
Gadgeteer Hands On Review: PocketPCTechs.com Replacement Grips
""We have the power to make it stronger, faster... " Some of you may recall those words from a 70's TV show called The Six Million Dollar Man. But for me, these words remind me of PocketPCTechs.com. These guys can take most Pocket PCs and turn them into super PDAs. Known for their RAM upgrades, they are now offering accessories and custom parts, such as HP2200 metal replacement grips." More... |
PDACorps.com - PocketPCTechs.com Replacement Grips
"Clearly Ricki Lake wasn't going to provide my iPaq with a makeover, so it was to PocketPCTechs that I turned instead. My iPaq's rubbery existence was about to be all shook up.
First to go was those sides in favour of some shiny new anodized aluminium ones. The 2210's sides have been plagued with problems since not long after the device was launched." More... |
PDAClub.pl - PocketPCTechs.com Replacement Grips
"Problem p�czniej�cych boczk�w w palmtopach iPAQ 2210 jest powszechnie znany. Standardowe boczki s� bardzo wygodne, umo�liwiaj� bowiem pewne i bezpieczne trzymanie urz�dzenia w d�oni. Niestety, po kilku miesi�cach (a nawet dniach - przyp.red.) u�ytkowania boczki p�czniej� od wilgoci i zaczynaj� odpada�. Ich powt�rne zamocowanie staje si� k�opotliwe. Mo�na co prawda pos�u�y� si� klejem, stanowi to jednak trwa�� ingerencj� w konstrukcj� urz�dzenia. Rodzi si� w�wczas pytanie - co z gwarancj�, gdy oddamy takie urz�dzenie do naprawy?" More... |
IPAQabilities.com - PocketPCTechs.com Replacement Grips
"If you own an IPAQ 2200 then you are likely well aware of the issue where the side grips can fall off. HP offers a replacement kit but response has been mixed. Fortunately, Pocket PC Techs came to everyone's rescue with a do-it-yourself kit that provides an alternative solution." More... |
PCDemano.com - PocketPCTechs.com Replacement Grips (Spanish)
"Como todos sabeis, la perfecci�n no existe y la iPAQ 2210 no iba a ser una excepci�n en este sentido. A falta de solucionar con la actualizaci�n de la ROM algunos problemillas menores, la 2210 tiene otro defecto que salta m�s a la vista, y es el desajuste que se va produciendo en las bandas laterales debido al uso de la iPAQ y sobre todo de tanto meterla y sacarla ... de la funda." More... |
Just Another Mobile Monday - Lil' Sync Duo Handsfree And Charging Adapter
"Some of the best Windows Mobile devices available today are crafted by HTC. I reviewed both the Sprint Mogul and Touch and, while both were fantastic devices, they shared a fatal flaw. Notably, HTC does not include a headphone jack on its devices. Instead, it supplies a 2.5 mm adaptor which plugs into the 11-pin mini USB jack. In my opinion, this was one of the worst design decisions HTC could have made................ " More... |
ClintonFitch.com - Lil' Sync� Pro Retractable Sync-n-Charge Cable & Penguin
"One of the challenges most Windows Mobile device users face is that of battery life. While it is true that battery life has dramatically improved over the past several years on Windows Mobile devices, it is clear that, when compared to feature phones or cellular phones, they still have a long way to go. Today, most devices average around 6 hours of talk time with a standby time of a day. This varies greatly by device and how the device is used. As more-and-more users enable push technology on their devices, these times will shrink. Read on for the full review." More... |
The Unwired - Lil Sync Power Accessories Carrying Case
"Well, generally the purpose of all the tech-stuff and gadgets is and was to make life easier and in most cases all the PCs, PDAs and mobile phones makes it easier until the moment you have to pack all the necessary accessories together. Every gadget needs a a charge, sooner or later, and thankfully most gadgets have different connectors. Or you need a sync cable to synchronize your device with your PC or use it as a modem. If it comes to packing everything together, especially if you are traveling or commuting, the fun ends pretty soon. " More... |
The Unwired - Lil' Sync Airline Adapter, Lil' Sync Pro Cable/DUO Adapter Bundle
"Following my earlier review of the Pocket PC Techs Lil' Sync Penguin Charger, now I want to follow-up with a review of some accessories you can use with Pocket PC Techs' handy charger, to make the traveling experience an even better one. While the Lil' Sync Penguin Charger is just a charger, Pocket PC Techs has some fine accessories in program which can be used with its charger. This includes the Lil Sync Airline Power Adapter as well as the Lil' Sync Pro Retractable Sync-N-Charge Cable and the Lil' Sync Pro Duo Mini-5 Adapter." More... |
The Unwired - Lil' Sync Penguin Charger
"Travelers know the problem - an AC charger for the mobile phone, another one for the PDA and a third one for the MP3 player and it can becomes even worse if you also need another one to be used in the car, for instance to use your Windows Mobile device as a navigation kit. For travelers and any others with multiple devices, the Pocket PC Techs Lil' Sync Penguin Charger is a handy solution to get rid of carrying multiple chargers because Pocket PC Techs latest Lil' Sync Penguin Charger is a standard AC adapter and automobile adapter in one. And if your device can be charged through the USB port of your PC, it can be also charged with the Lil' Sync Penguin Charger!" More... |
Mobile Computing Sig - Lil' Sync� Pro Sync-n-Charge Cable
"Leonard Wesson over at PPCTechs.com sent over a few things for me to review. One of the items I was anxious to get my hands on was their new Lil' Sync Pro cable that both syncs and charges the iPAQ h6315 (as well as other iPAQ models - see complete review) I picked up a few weeks ago.
The big question everyone had was, "What's the big difference between their cables and a Zip-Linq, or any other retractable cable?" Well, this first pic should immediately take care of that question. " More... |
Freepaq.com Lil' Sync� AA Battery Adapter (French)
"PocketPCTechs pr�sente un adaptateur pour c�ble de synchronisation r�tractable ou pas. Cet appareil, le Lil'Sync AA battery Adapter permet d'avoir une source d'�nergie en permanence avec soi." More... |
HowardForums iMATE JAM 128MB Upgrade Review
"Well, I just got my JAM back today from those Wild & Crazy Guys at PocketPCTechs.. Thanks to MADMONKEYBOY for arranging the awesome deal with PocketPCTechs and all of his hard work in the forum. For those of you who don't own a JAM and would like this hardware upgrade, David is having several of his JAM's upgraded for immediate delivery to those who want this extra performance. Also, many Props go out to Lloyd at PocketPCTechs for humoring this crazy Gadget Freak and taking the time to not only speak to me at lenght about the upgrade and my options, but also to take the photos you see here showing exactly what they did to my JAM." More... |
Gadgeteer Hands On Review : HP iPAQ hx4700 Series 64MB to 128MB Internal RAM Upgrade
"One of the few disappointments that I have had from the beginning of owning my HP iPAQ hx4700 PDA is the fact that it only came with 64MB internal RAM. While this may sound generous enough, especially when one considers that the iPAQ File Store includes an additional 128MB of ROM storage space, it really isn't." More... |
PDA Gold - PPCtechs brings a whopping 128MB RAM to the HP H5450
"In essense, this upgrade brings your H5450 up to the same RAM available on the newly announced HP iPAQ H5550 series. The only difference is the additional 64MB RAM added by PPCtechs is accessible through the utility shown on the left. It works very similar to the iPAQ File Store. Here is Pocket PC Techs explanation as to why this approach is necessary." More... |
InfoSync World - Pocket PC Techs XDA RAM Upgrade
"Pocket PC Techs have become well-known in technology circles for their tireless pursuit of ever-increasing memory for our beloved machines, and as such are the darlings of the power user. Who would have thought that an iPAQ could equal the RAM of some desktop machines, or that a phone could sport a spacious 128 MB? Clearly PPCTechs did, and they still remain at the forefront of their field as a result. Here we take their flagship Phone Edition product for a spin: the 128 MB RAM upgrade." More... |
Gadgeteer Hands On Review: Pocket PC Techs 128MB Upgrade for the PPC Phone Edition
"As anyone who owns a Pocket PC Phone Edition can tell you, this device is one awesome example of what happens when convenience and practicality converge. The only area in which I personally feel that this PDA falls short, is in its inclusion of only 32MB RAM. For those of you that don't understand the ramifications of this, let me put it in layman's terms: The Pocket PC's operating system is included in the Read Only Memory (ROM). The data and additional programs that you choose to add are what fill the Random Access Memory (RAM), which as I stated before, is 32MB in this unit. There is a gotcha, though: of the 32MB, roughly half is allocated for storing the data and programs, and the other half is allocated for actually running programs and loading associated data. To sum it up, a 32MB machine is actually more like a 16MB machine in many ways.Most Pocket PC users will find this number too constrictive after adding a few programs, and as a power-user I found it stifling. Even though I bit the bullet and purchased a 256MB SD card, I still found that there were some programs that really needed to be installed and run from my main memory...and the 16MB that was available just wasn't cutting it. If there was ever a time when I needed a RAM upgrade, this was definitely it. As in the past, I turned to someone that I was familiar with: Mack and Leonard at Pocket PC Techs. Over the years, Mack has done several upgrades for Julie and I, and I knew that the company he has formed with Leonard would be the only place I would trust to do work on my PDA. " More... |
Pocket PC Magazine Article
"Both our upgraded iPAQ and HP Jornada have performed as promised. Adding an extra 32 Meg to the iPAQ means you may have the room you need for large documents, data, and music, without having to carry around a clumsy iPAQ Expansion Pack. Similarly, more memory in the Casio or HP frees the memory slot for either more storage or for I/O cards such as modem and LAN cards..." More... |
Gadgeteer Hands On Review: Times2 Tech / PCE2000 iPAQ 256MB Upgrade
"I feel like singing "nanny nanny noo noo" while I wiggle my fingers and put my thumbs in my ears! Why, you ask? Because I am the proud owner of the very first 256MB Compaq 3835 iPAQ Pocket PC! Yes, you read that correctly, 256 wonderful megabytes that are mine, all mine!!!! Ok, I'll try to contain myself long enough to tell you more about this upgrade that you too can have... for a price! You may have read our earlier reviews of the 64MB upgrade and 128MB upgrades as performed by Times2 Tech. Judie was the lucky one to get the 128MB upgrade for her iPAQ, so after I purchased my 3835 unit, I fired off an email to Mack at Times2 Tech to see if there was any way to upgrade my Pocket PC to 256MB. Although they had already been doing 256MB upgrades on the 36/3700 series iPAQs, they had yet to perform one on the new 3800 series. Of course, I was more than happy to sacrifice mine to be the guinea pig! :o) Judie was super jealous when I told her about it... Even though she doesn't use an iPAQ anymore, she wished she could have the upgrade on her Casio E200. " More... |
Gadgeteer Hands On Review : WriteSHIELD C2 Premium Screen Protection Kit
"The large gorgeous screen on the new iPAQ hx4700 was one of the biggest deciding factors for my purchase. For the first couple of days after I received the PDA, I did not have a screen protector installed. Every time I went to touch my stylus to the screen, I practically held my breath - afraid that this might be the time when I would leave a scratch. As worrisome as using an unprotected screen was, I did grow to appreciate how beautiful the display appeared with nothing covering it. This reinforced my long held opinion that the clearer the protector, the better.
Since the 4700 was so new, none of my usual screen protector sources had any available yet that would fit. Leonard with Pocket PC Techs was kind enough to ask me the dimensions of the PDA's screen so that he could send out properly sized samples in their new C� Premium Deluxe Screen Protection Kit." More... |
PPCzone.net - WriteSHIELD� by Pocket PC Techs, Inc.
"The LCD screen on a device such as a Pocket PC is the most expensive part on a Pocket PC. Replacing the LCD itself can easily cost over a hundred dollars. A screen protector is an essential product for the screen of a Pocket PC. It protects the screen from scratches and keeps the screen clear from oil, dust, and fingerprints. Today, I will be reviewing Pocket PC Techs WriteSHIELD. Unlike other products, the WriteSHIELD comes in a complete kit with everything you need to install it.Pocket PC Techs is the company behind the famous 256MB internal memory upgrade for the Pocket PC. They specialize in the repair and upgrade of Pocket PC's and are known for their great service as well. In addition, they sell quality Pocket PC accessories. " More... |
BostonPocketPC.com - Pocket PC Techs WriteSHIELD for the Tablet PC
"The folks at Pocket PC Techs have long been considered among the "gurus" of the Pocket PC world, offering memory upgrades, repairs and accessories that put them in a class by themselves. Among the most coveted of these accessories are their complete line of WriteSHIELD screen protectors. These protectors are considered among the highest quality in the Pocket PC market." More... |
TabletPCTalk.com - WriteSHIELD� Tablet PC Kit
"Recently I got tired of seeing the ugly screen shield that was provided with my Acer. I contacted PPC Techs and received a WriteShield for the Acer TMC102i that I use every day. Before installing the WriteShield, I suggest that you find a place that is as dust/lint free as possible. Any dust or lint in the air may find it's way under the WriteShield as you install it. The installation process is a little more tedious due to the larger size screen that the Tablet PC uses." More... |
BostonPocketPC.com - Pocket PC Techs WriteSHIELD for Pocket PCs
"If there has to be a must have accessory for those that have PDA, I would say that it is a screen protector. When screen protectors first came out, they were poorly made and usually didn�t allow for smooth strokes of the stylus, always had to be removed and reapplied due to bubbles or trapped dust, or just reduced a screens image so much that it wasn�t worth putting it on. As of late just about every Screen protector manufacturer out there has come out with newer and improved versions. I have heard many comments and requests for one of the biggest names out there in screen protection PPC Techs WriteSHIELD and it didn�t disappoint in all the praise it had received. " More... |
Mobile Burn - WriteSHIELD� for the P800
"The manual is fairly straight forward. Each step is well illustrated and documented. In a couple minutes I had the new WriteSHIELD installed without bubbles and sans dust." More... |
Freepaq - WriteSHIELD� Screen Protector (French)
"PocketpcTechs est sp�cialis�e dans la r�paration et la mise � jour des PocketPC. Monter la m�moire RAM ou ROM , changer l'�cran, la batterie,� Ne leurs posent pas de probl�mes. PocketpcTechs propose des protections d'�cran writeSHIELD livr�es dans un kit standard ou deluxe. Vous me connaissez maintenant et vous savez combien je tiens aux protections d'�cran, c'est pourquoi je test et je re test les protections d'�cran disponible sur le march�. Il y a en des bien des moins bien, de bonne qualit�, de moins bonne qualit�, et toutes tournent autour d'un prix de 15-18 euros." More... |
PCDemano.com - WriteSHIELD� el protector definitivo (Spanish)
"He de empezar la revisi�n diciendo que estos protectores son impresionantes, son desde mi punto de vista los definitivos. Olvidate de lo que hab�as visto antes, burbujas, escritura dificultosa, reflejos, no poder despegarlos, etc.
Los protectores como ya hab�amos comentado son imprescindibles, pero dif�ciles de encontrar y que satisfagan todas nuestras necesidades. El objetivo final es proteger la pantalla pero que esta tenga el mismo aspecto y usabilidad que si no los tuvieran, pues bien con los Write Shields la pantalla se ve incluso mejor, sin reflejos y la escritura se desliza de manera incre�ble.
Llevaba tiempo queriendo probar estos protectores ya que hab�a o�do hablar de ellos en diferentes sites y foros. La calidad de los Write Shields esta avalada por la empresa Pocket Pc Techs especializada en mejoras en nuestras PDAs. Son los que han logrado modificaciones en la ROM de una iPAQ hasta conseguir 256 MB de Rom interna. " More... |
Gadgeteer Hands On Review: WriteSHIELD� AG Screen Protector
"Recently I sent my Phone Edition in to Leonard and Mack at Pocket PC Techs for their fabulous 128MB upgrade service. As a special touch, they included a WriteSHIELD Screen Protector as a lagniappe. When I got my phone edition back, I could tell there was a slight difference from the Brando Protector that I had had installed previously. While the two protectors are very similar in principle, the main difference was a slightly different "feel." To me, the WriteSHIELD has smoother writing texture to it, but it is still reminiscent of writing on paper. Just like the Brando, it is anti-glare, slightly textured, uses a lighter adhesive than traditional screen protectors, and should last for months and months with normal usage (barring one of your kids gouging the screen with your stylus). Of course, the main difference was that it was obvious they had taken the time to install the protector in a dust-free environment. There were absolutely no specs or bubbles of any kind under this protector - something I am never quite able to accomplish myself! :0) " More... |
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