Kit also includes fully-illustrated,
step-by-step instructions!
Most PDA users have only experienced screen protectors
sold in local stores which can be difficult to install, always
seem to have bubbles and wear out within 30 days.
Unfortunately, without a screen protector, the only way to
remove scratches on your device�s screen is to fully replace
the touchscreen for a minimum of $100 or so. Replacement
digitizers for Tablet PC�s begin at $900.
Our WriteSHIELD� Premium Screen Protectors are approved by NASA for use on Manned Space Flight and the International Space Station.
Our WriteSHIELD� Premium Screen Protectors are the
exceptional alternative to all these problems. Our state-of-the-art protectors have been used and evaluated worldwide
by notable Pocket PC Web and moble device sites. Our anti-GLARE model with
its matte finish is perfect for letter recognition and outdoor
use. WriteSHIELD� anti-GLARE Premium Screen Protectors - Reduce glare from your screen
- Protect your screen from scratches
- Reduce fingerprint smudges
Our crystal-CLEAR model allows the truest colors to
come through, does not alter your screen display, does not
reduce the brightness of your screen and has a glossy finish.
While we guarantee each protector will last at least
six months, their average life is almost always closer to one
�Each step is well illustrated and documented. In a couple minutes I had the new WriteSHIELD� installed
without bubbles and sans dust.�
� Sean Cooper,
�I have used other vendor's screen shields on my Pocket PCs�. I prefer the WriteSHIELD� because of the
way it sticks to the screen. It does not leave any residue and the stickiness makes the light in the screen
come through without diminishing the brightness or readability. I also found that the WriteSHIELD� did not
change the feel and function of the stylus on the screen.�
� Chris De Herrera,
�The WriteSHIELD� gives my screen a somewhat flat appearance, and the contrast is better and easier to
read. The surface feels like writing on paper, which is nice, and it doesn�t affect the sensitivity one bit. ...I�m
extremely careful with my expensive device, but accidents can happen�. With a WriteSHIELD�
applied, I don�t worry about that as much as I used to.�
� John Becker,